Predicting Wins in NCAA Men's Basketball

Derek Lore, Christopher Nalty, Michael Stephanus


The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the well-being and lifelong success of college athletes. The NCAA was built in 1910 and they essentially regulates competitions between universities and colleges. They organize athletic programs such as basketball, football, soccer, basketball, etc. Currently 1,117 college and universities are a part of the NCAA. However we will only be looking at the 353 teams from Division 1.

In this tutorial, we will be focusing on basketball. We will collect data about an entire NCAA season and build predictive models whether a team win or lose. We will start by getting the necessary datas to build our models. We will be searching for datasets that contain specific statisics that occur in a basketball game such as the number of turn overs, assists, blocks, rebounds, field goal percentage, etc. We will tidy the data and we will try to find correlations between statistics and a team's winrate. This all leads up to the final goal of this tutorial, which is whether we can predict whether a team will win a game based on their season to date statistics. Hopefully this tutorial can provide all of you basketball enthusiasts an insight of how these datas can predict the outcome of a game.

1.1 Team Box Scores

The First piece of data we're going to gather is all of the game results for Division 1 games in the 2018-2019 season. We're going to get that data from a site called Sports Reference. This site formats there urls for box scores to include the month, day, and year you're for each day. Using this we can create a loop to go through all the dates in the season and download the box scores for each game. We add a short sleep after each day since we're sending a lot get requests to prevent any connection interruptions on either end.

In [1]:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas as pd
import time

box_scores = pd.DataFrame(columns=["date", "win_team", "lose_team", "win_score", "lose_score"])

#The format of the URL. we will continue to increment the month, day, and year
url_format = "{}&day={}&year={}"
for y in [2018, 2019]:
    months = []
    if y == 2018:
        months = [11, 12]
        months = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    for m in months:
        days = range(1,32)
        for d in days:
            url = url_format.format(str(m),str(d),str(y))
            r = requests.get(url)

            root = BeautifulSoup(r.content)
            #format the months and days so that they are always 2 digits
            mon = str(m)
            day = str(d)
            if (m < 10):
                mon = "0" + mon
            if (d < 10):
                day = "0" + day
            date = str(mon) + "/" + str(day) + "/" + str(y)
            #game_summary nohover contains all the table for each match
            #we will iterate through all the tables in the website and parse them one by one
            for i in root.find_all("div", class_="game_summary nohover"):
                loser = i.find("tr", class_="loser")
                lose_team = loser.find("a").getText()
                lose_score = loser.find("td", class_="right").getText()
                winner = i.find("tr", class_="winner")
                win_team = winner.find("a").getText()
                win_score = winner.find("td", class_="right").getText()
                box_scores = box_scores.append({"date":date, "win_team":win_team, "lose_team":lose_team, "win_score":win_score, "lose_score":lose_score}, ignore_index=True)

date win_team lose_team win_score lose_score
0 11/06/2018 Kansas Michigan State 92 87
1 11/06/2018 Duke Kentucky 118 84
2 11/06/2018 Gonzaga Idaho State 120 79
3 11/06/2018 Virginia Towson 73 42
4 11/06/2018 Tennessee Lenoir-Rhyne 86 41

1.2 Team Ranks

The next piece of data we're going to gather is the ranks for each team from the ap polls of each week. We're also going get this information from Sports Reference. This site has a csv formatted table we can just copy and paste into a file and read with pandas.

In [2]:
ranks = pd.read_csv("apranks.csv") # found here

School Conf Pre 11/12 11/19 11/26 12/03 12/10 12/17 12/24 ... 01/14 01/21 01/28 02/04 02/11 02/18 02/25 03/04 03/11 Final
0 Arizona State Pac-12 NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.0 20.0 18.0 17.0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Auburn SEC 11.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.0 12.0 ... 14.0 16.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.0 14.0
2 Buffalo MAC NaN 25.0 22.0 21.0 17.0 14.0 14.0 21.0 ... 16.0 14.0 18.0 23.0 25.0 25.0 21.0 19.0 18.0 15.0
3 Cincinnati AAC NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN 25.0 NaN NaN 23.0 20.0 24.0 22.0
4 Clemson ACC 22.0 19.0 16.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 22 columns

1.3 Game Statistics

The last piece of data we need to acquire is each team's statistical data by week from the NCAA website. This way we can use to date accurate data for training and validation of our prediction model later on. Using only end of season statistics could have an effect on the prediction since teams stats will change as a season progresses. The data we're going to be using can be located at the NCAA website. This page requires us to do some clicking, and doesn't have all of the stats centralized in one csv. So to automate this we will use selenium, instead of doing ~12000 clicks ourselves. To do this we used the chrome based webdriver in selenium, to run this script you will need the ChromeDriver. You will also need to choose where you'd like to download the files, specified by prefs, and where your webdriver is located. Once we have this installed we can now the following script to download every team stat available from every date of the 2018-2019 Men's Basketball season.

In [3]:
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
options = Options()
prefs = {'download.default_directory' : r'/home/chris/git/final320project/stats'}

options.add_experimental_option('prefs', prefs)

driver = webdriver.Chrome("/home/chris/Downloads/chromedriver", chrome_options=options) # change this to where ever your driver is

# select division one button, since that's all we care about, will stay persistent
div1 = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/form/table[3]/tbody/tr[2]/td/select/option[2]").click()
week_base = "/html/body/form/table[3]/tbody/tr[5]/td/select/option[{}]" # base string for selecting week
stats_base = "/html/body/form/table[3]/tbody/tr[10]/td/select/option[{}]" # base for stats

for i in range(2, 142):
    for j in range(3, 33):

Next we need to load all of this data into dataframes to use. Since for win prediction we're going to be looking at stats by week, and pandas doesn't work well with relational databases, we're going to use a dictionary of dataframes as a representation of our relational database. The dictionary keys will act like foreign keys to a respective dataframes.

  1. We walk the directory with the csv files in it, opening each one. However, the CSV files are in an imperfect format, so certain lines must be ignored. We found that lines 1 - 10 and line numbers greater than 363 were not useful in each file. The useful lines of the CSV file are stored in a string, which is parsed by pandas.read_csv to convert the CSV into a pandas dataframe.

  2. We then must determine if the date has been seen before, since many of the statistics and information are spread between multiple files. If it has been seen before, we add it to the dataframe corresponding to that date, otherwise we add it to the dictionary as a new date.
In [4]:
import os
import io

dfs = {}
# walk the files saved from the data download

for _, _, files in os.walk('stats'):
    for file in files:
        csv = ""
        s = ""
        # open the file and create a new string with only the csv contents
        with open(os.path.join("stats/", file), 'r') as f:
            s =
            i = 0
            date = ""
            for line in s.splitlines():
                if i == 8:
                    date = line[14:]
                if (i > 10 and i < 363 or i == 364 or i == 365) and "," in line:
                    csv += line+"\n"
                i = i + 1
        if date in dfs:
            ndata = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(csv))
            for c1 in dfs[date].columns:
                if c1 in ndata.columns and c1 != "Name":
                    del ndata[c1]
            dfs[date] = dfs[date].merge(ndata)
            dfs[date] = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(csv))

2.1 Team Box Scores Cleaning

From the box scores data and the game statistics data, we can see that some of the names doesn't match up. For example, Florida International in the box scores dataset is have a different name in the game statistics data (FIU). Since we are going to going to use the names as the keys and the box scores to train our predictive model, we need to create a team name maping from the game statistics to box scores. This is known as Enitity Resolution. So, if a specific team name in the game statistics doesn't exist in the box scores, we can use the maping to map to the equivalent data. We will do the maping by creating a matches.json file that consist of a dictionary with the maping of the team name From the game statistics data to the box scores data.

  1. We will go through the names in the box scores and check whether each name exists in the game statistics dataset
  2. If there is no match, then we will call the get_close_matches to find the approximate matching
  3. We will then need to manually check whether there are any names that have no close matches and manually edits them and add their respecrive mapping
  4. Finally we will replace all the names in the box scores dataset into the equivalent team name in the game statistics dataset
In [19]:
import difflib
import json
matches = {}

for name in set(box_scores['win_team'].tolist()):
    if name not in dfs['04/08/2019']['Name'].tolist():
        closests = difflib.get_close_matches(name, dfs['04/08/2019']['Name'])
        if len(closests) == 0:
            matches[closests[0]] = name

js = json.dumps(matches)
with open("matches", 'w+') as f:

with open("matches.json", 'r') as j:
    matches = json.load(j)

matches_rev = {}
for k, v in matches.items():
    matches_rev[v] = k

scores = box_scores.replace(matches_rev)

Lincoln (PA)
Fayetteville State
Stephen F. Austin
Maryland-Eastern Shore
Loyola (IL)
Florida International
Loyola (LA)
Texas-Rio Grande Valley
Cal State Northridge
date win_team lose_team win_score lose_score
0 11/06/2018 Kansas Michigan St. 92 87
1 11/06/2018 Duke Kentucky 118 84
2 11/06/2018 Gonzaga Idaho St. 120 79
3 11/06/2018 Virginia Towson 73 42
4 11/06/2018 Tennessee Lenoir-Rhyne 86 41

2.2 Team Ranks Cleaning

Next we want to look at the ranks dataframe. This data frame is full of missing data, since there are many teams that aren't ranked in the top 25 every week. Many of them dip in and out of the rankings each week. We would also like the indexes be the date instead of the school name. We're going to tidy this data up by creating a new dataframe with the dates as the index, like we desired, and a column for each rank, 1-25, with the columns value as the name of the team of the rank.

In [6]:
import re

new_ranks = pd.DataFrame(index=[i for i in range(1, 26)])

# here we go through each data (and Final) add add the team names into each rank index with a new column for the date
for elem in ranks.columns:
    if re.match("(\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2})|(Final)", elem):
        date_dict = ranks.set_index("School")[elem].dropna().to_dict()
        rev_dict = {}
        for k, v in date_dict.items():
            rev_dict[v] = k

        new_ranks[elem] = pd.Series(rev_dict)

       11/12      11/19     11/26     12/03      12/10      12/17      12/24  \
1       Duke       Duke   Gonzaga   Gonzaga     Kansas     Kansas       Duke   
2     Kansas     Kansas    Kansas    Kansas       Duke       Duke   Michigan   
3    Gonzaga    Gonzaga      Duke      Duke  Tennessee  Tennessee  Tennessee   
4   Virginia   Virginia  Virginia  Virginia    Gonzaga   Michigan   Virginia   
5  Tennessee  Tennessee    Nevada  Michigan   Michigan   Virginia     Kansas   

       12/31      01/07      01/14      01/21      01/28      02/04  \
1       Duke       Duke       Duke  Tennessee  Tennessee  Tennessee   
2   Michigan   Michigan   Michigan       Duke       Duke       Duke   
3  Tennessee  Tennessee  Tennessee   Virginia   Virginia   Virginia   
4   Virginia   Virginia   Virginia    Gonzaga    Gonzaga    Gonzaga   
5     Kansas    Gonzaga    Gonzaga   Michigan   Michigan   Kentucky   

       02/11      02/18     02/25      03/04     03/11           Final  
1  Tennessee       Duke   Gonzaga    Gonzaga   Gonzaga            Duke  
2       Duke    Gonzaga  Virginia   Virginia  Virginia        Virginia  
3    Gonzaga   Virginia      Duke        UNC       UNC             UNC  
4   Virginia   Kentucky  Kentucky       Duke  Kentucky         Gonzaga  
5   Kentucky  Tennessee       UNC  Tennessee      Duke  Michigan State  

Now that we've gotten rid of the NA values we can take the tranpose of the data frame to have dates as the index like we wanted We also need to add the date year onto the dates so they correspond with stats dataframe.

In [7]:
new_ranks = new_ranks.transpose()

new_ranks = new_ranks.rename(index=lambda x: re.sub("^0.*", x + "/2019", x))
new_ranks = new_ranks.rename(index=lambda x: re.sub("^1.*", x + "/2018", x))
new_ranks = new_ranks.rename(index=lambda x: re.sub("Final", '03/21/2019', x))

                 1       2          3         4          5          6   \
11/12/2018     Duke  Kansas    Gonzaga  Virginia  Tennessee     Nevada   
11/19/2018     Duke  Kansas    Gonzaga  Virginia  Tennessee     Nevada   
11/26/2018  Gonzaga  Kansas       Duke  Virginia     Nevada  Tennessee   
12/03/2018  Gonzaga  Kansas       Duke  Virginia   Michigan     Nevada   
12/10/2018   Kansas    Duke  Tennessee   Gonzaga   Michigan   Virginia   

                   7          8               9               10  ...  \
11/12/2018        UNC  Villanova          Auburn        Kentucky  ...   
11/19/2018        UNC     Auburn        Michigan        Kentucky  ...   
11/26/2018   Michigan     Auburn  Michigan State        Kentucky  ...   
12/03/2018  Tennessee     Auburn        Kentucky  Michigan State  ...   
12/10/2018     Nevada     Auburn  Michigan State   Florida State  ...   

                       16                 17                 18          19  \
11/12/2018  Virginia Tech  Mississippi State           Michigan     Clemson   
11/19/2018        Clemson               UCLA                TCU         LSU   
11/26/2018     Ohio State              Texas             Oregon      Purdue   
12/03/2018   Kansas State            Buffalo               Iowa  Ohio State   
12/10/2018      Wisconsin          Villanova  Mississippi State    Kentucky   

                       20         21                 22          23  \
11/12/2018           UCLA        TCU                LSU      Purdue   
11/19/2018           Iowa     Oregon            Buffalo  Ohio State   
11/26/2018     Texas Tech    Buffalo          Wisconsin   Villanova   
12/03/2018  Arizona State  Villanova  Mississippi State    Maryland   
12/10/2018  Arizona State  Marquette               Iowa      Furman   

                   24                 25  
11/12/2018  Marquette            Buffalo  
11/19/2018     Purdue          Wisconsin  
11/26/2018   Maryland  Mississippi State  
12/03/2018   Nebraska             Furman  
12/10/2018    Houston           Syracuse  

[5 rows x 25 columns]

We should also check to make sure that every date in our ranks column corresponds to a date in the stats dataframe we have so we have easy access between both. We'll use difflib to print out the nearest matches for any dates that aren't found.

In [8]:
for date in new_ranks.index:
    if date not in dfs.keys():
        # here we can see candidates
        print(difflib.get_close_matches(date, dfs.keys()))
['12/28/2018', '12/27/2018', '12/25/2018']
['03/11/2019', '02/21/2019', '02/19/2019']

We can see there are two dates that don't have a match and there nearest matches in the statistics dataframes. We want to make the ranks correspond to the next date after the ranks have been released

In [9]:
new_ranks = new_ranks.rename(index=lambda x: re.sub("12/24/2018", '12/25/2018', x))
new_ranks = new_ranks.rename(index=lambda x: re.sub("02/11/2019", '02/19/2019', x))

2.3 Game Statistics Cleaning

Finally we need to clean the statistics dataframes themselves. We're going to remove the "Rank" column since this is a relic that corresponds to the rank for one of the statistics during each week, and it is not useful information to us.

Then, we perform some data cleaning operations on the created dataframes. We choose to convert the W-L column, corresponding to the game wins to losses for a team at a given week, to 3 different columns. The first are the game wins and losses, which are separated to assist later analysis, and then the win percent out of all games played by a team. We then convert the total turn overs for the season into a turn overs per game column. (This is the average of the turn overs for a team)

In [10]:
for date in dfs.keys():
    # drop the rank column for each dataframe
    if "Rank" in dfs[date]:
        dfs[date] = dfs[date].drop("Rank", axis=1)
    # create win, win percent column and loss column
    WL = dfs[date]["W-L"].str.extract(r"(\d+)\-(\d+)")
    dfs[date]["Wins"] = WL[0].astype(float)
    dfs[date]["Losses"] = WL[1].astype(float)
    dfs[date]["Win%"] = dfs[date]["Wins"]/(dfs[date]["Losses"]+dfs[date]["Wins"])

    # drop columns that are unneeded
    dfs[date] = dfs[date].drop("W-L", axis=1)

    # change turn overs to be turn overs per game
    if "TO" in dfs[date]:
        dfs[date]["TO"] = dfs[date]["TO"].astype(float)/(dfs[date]["Wins"].astype(float)+dfs[date]["Losses"].astype(float))
        dfs[date] = dfs[date].rename({"TO": "TOPG"}, axis=1)

3.1 Number One Ranked Teams

Now that are data is tidied it's time for us to look at our data and see if we can find any trends in our data. Let's start by graphing some of the stats for the number one ranked teams for each week and see if there is a trend. If a stat is very important for a team to be ranked number one, we'd expect the value to stay approximately the same from week to week. First we'll check which teams are ranked number one throughout the season to see how varied the position is.

In [12]:
rank1s = new_ranks[1]
11/12/2018         Duke
11/19/2018         Duke
11/26/2018      Gonzaga
12/03/2018      Gonzaga
12/10/2018       Kansas
12/17/2018       Kansas
12/25/2018         Duke
12/31/2018         Duke
01/07/2019         Duke
01/14/2019         Duke
01/21/2019    Tennessee
01/28/2019    Tennessee
02/04/2019    Tennessee
02/19/2019    Tennessee
02/18/2019         Duke
02/25/2019      Gonzaga
03/04/2019      Gonzaga
03/11/2019      Gonzaga
03/21/2019         Duke
Name: 1, dtype: object

We can see that there are only 4 different teams during the entire season that hold the number one spot. We'll create a custom legend for each team when graphing so we can get a sense of if stats are jumping around due to different teams holding rank 1 or if it's due to other causes

3.2 Field Goal Percentage Graph

Let's start by graphing Field Goal percentage. This is a stat we would expected to have a very strong correlation with win rate, meaning it should stay at a near constant value for rank 1 teams from week to week.

In [13]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches

t_cols = {'Duke':'b', 'Gonzaga':'g', 'Kansas':'r', 'Tennessee':'m', 'Average': 'k'}

# we need to create a custom legend so points Teams aren't repeated

patches = [mpatches.Patch(color=v, label=k) for k, v in t_cols.items()]

for index in rank1s.index:
    if index in dfs.keys():
        curr_y = dfs[index].loc[dfs[index]['Name'] == rank1s[index]]['FG%'].values[0]
        plt.scatter(index, curr_y, c=t_cols[rank1s[index]])

plt.title('Field Goal Percentage vs Date')
plt.ylabel("Field Goal Percentage")

3.3 Average Statistics Graph

Unfortunately Field Goal Percentage doesn't seem to stay very consistent throughout the season for rank 1. However, we can see that the teams themselves hold consistent numbers respectively during the season. Since we see that not all stats are going to show the entire picture for rank 1, it may be a good idea to also add the average values to try to get a better picture of where the rank 1 teams stats stand compared to the entire field. Now we'll graph a few more stats with the average added.

In [14]:
stats_to_name = {"TOPG" : "Turn Overs Per Game",
                 "APG" : "Assists Per Game",
                 "BKPG" : "Blocks Per Game",
                 "RPG" : "Rebounds Per Game",
                 "FG%" : "Field Goal Percent",
                 "OPP FG%" : "Opposition Field Goal Percent",
                 "PFPG" : "Personal Fouls Per Game",
                 "SCR MAR" : "Score Margin",
                 "STPG" : "Steals Per Game",
                 "3FG%" : "3-Point Field Goal Percent",
                 "FT%" : "Free Throw Percent",
                 "REB MAR" : "Rebound Margin",
                 "3PG" : "3-Points Per Game",
                 "Ratio" : "Assist to Turnover Ratio"}
stats_to_graph = ["APG", "BKPG", "RPG", "FG%", "PFPG", "SCR MAR", "STPG", "3FG%"]

for stat in stats_to_graph:
    dates = []
    avgs = []
    for index in rank1s.index:
        if index in dfs.keys():
            curr_y = dfs[index].loc[dfs[index]['Name'] == rank1s[index]][stat].values[0]
            plt.scatter(index, curr_y, c=t_cols[rank1s[index]])
    plt.plot(dates, avgs, c=t_cols['Average'])

Contrary to what we expected, it seems all of the stats, except 3-point field goal percentage and rebounds per game, have very large variations in values from week to week. We can see however that each team tends to keep fairly consistent on each stat from week to week. 3-point field goal percentage and rebounds per game being more consistent would lead us to believe this is a more important stat to being rank one than others.

We can see that even though the number one ranked team doesn't seem to lean on any one stat they excel compared to the average team in Division 1. There are are a couple stats, such as Steals Per Game, where Tennessee is worse than the average, and 3-point field goal percentage where Duke is below average in the later half of the season, but outside these two occurrences it's clear these teams outperform most of the Division.

3.4 Statisics VS Win Percentage

We now create multiple scatter plots of a statistic on the x axis, and the win percentages of all the teams on the y axis. We do this by creating a list of statistics we want to plot against win percentage, and then using matplotlib we create multiple plots, each with a unique name. We use dropna() to remove any missing values. Since we only want to view the general trends in the data, it is not important to keep every value to plot the data. We will use the scatter plots to determine which statistics are the best to predict a win for any college basketball team, given certain inputs. For this section we are only going to graph the end fo the season statistics, since this will hold all the information for win percentage from prior weeks.

In [15]:
stats_to_graph = ["TOPG", "APG", "BKPG", "RPG", "FG%", "OPP FG%", "PFPG",
                  "SCR MAR", "STPG", "3FG%", "FT%", "REB MAR", "3PG", "Ratio"]

# iterate the stats and make a plot for each one
for stat in stats_to_graph:
    # get the values for the end of season data, dropping NAN values
    plt.scatter(dfs['04/08/2019'][stat].dropna(), dfs['04/08/2019']["Win%"].dropna())

    # set the graph labels
    plt.ylabel("Win Percent")
    plt.title(stats_to_name[stat] + " vs Win Percent")

From the graphs, it is clear that certain statistics will provide insight to which teams are going to win a game. Some statistics, like score margin (the average amount a team wins a game over the opponent), present a near perfect relation to win percentage. However, this cannot be used in the regression model since it is a data leakage problem (meaning the prediction data implicitly contains the result). This means our predictions would be putting too much value in the results for the score margin. You can read more about data leakage at this link from Towards Data Science.

Other statistics do not pose such a problem and still show a general trend following the win percentage. Some of these statistics show a negative trend, meaning that the higher the statistic, the more likely it is a team will lose, and others show a positive trend, meaning the higher the statistic the more likely a team is to win. Positive trends are seen in the rebound margin, free throws per game, 3-Point field goal percent, steals per game, assists per game , and blocks per game statistics, while negative trends are shown in the turn overs per games and opposition field goal percent. Some data shows little correlation to the win percent, such as the personal fouls per game and rebounds per game.

Machine Learning

Now that we have looked into what our data is and cleaned it up, we can start trying to predict what team will win a game based on it's to date statistics in a given season. The statistics we decided to use for our model are as follows: Blocks per game, Field Goal Percentage, Opponent Field Goal Percentage, Personal Fouls per game, Steals per game, 3 point Field Goal Percentage, Free Throw Percentage, Rebound Margin, and Assist to Turnover ratio. These stats were chosen, because they seemed to have the highest correlation with win rate, but we won't be using scoring margin, because we don't want data leakage, as stated above.

First we have to prepare our data, by creating x, y pairs. The x values being a list of the statistics from each team, and the y values being which team won. Then we need to setup the games so we have some games were team 1 wins, and some where team 2 wins. To do this we will randomize the data, so there is no bias about which teams get picked as team 1 and which get picked as team 2. Then we set the winning team as team 1 for the first half of the dataframe and the losing team as team 1 for the second half. We want to have an even number of each prediction class as to not bias our model to one prediction.

In [16]:
stats_to_use = ["BKPG", "FG%", "OPP FG%", "PFPG",
                "STPG", "3FG%", "FT%", "REB MAR", "Ratio"]

scores = scores.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)

#team1, team2, winner, date

y_setup = []
cross_over = len(scores) / 2
for index, row in scores.iterrows():
    if index < cross_over:
        curr = (row['win_team'], row['lose_team'], 0, row['date'])
        curr = (row['lose_team'], row['win_team'], 1, row['date'])

Next we create the actual x, y pairs. Unfortunately some of the data we recieved from the NCAA website does not contain every team for every week or every stat for every week. So, we need to omit these games from our training since we do not have the information available to us to create inputs for the model. This code simple stacks the stat values for team 1 and team 2 into a list, xs, and the result of the game into another list, y. After this, the data is ready to be used to create our regression model.

In [17]:
y = []
xs = []
for result in y_setup:
    date = result[3]
    if date not in dfs.keys():
    if set(stats_to_use).issubset(set(dfs[date].columns)):

        if result[0] not in dfs[date]["Name"].values:
        if result[1] not in dfs[date]["Name"].values:
        team1_stats = [dfs[date][dfs[date]["Name"] == result[0]][stat].values[0] for stat in stats_to_use]
        team2_stats = [dfs[date][dfs[date]["Name"] == result[1]][stat].values[0] for stat in stats_to_use]

With the data prepared, we can create 3 different models to predict the winner of a basketball game between two teams. We chose 3 regression models for our project. These are a support vector machine, a logistic regression, and a random forest classifier. We then use ShuffleSplit to randomize the data put in the models. The cross validation score tells us how accurate our models were in predicting wins for a basketball game. Cross Validation also allows us to take many different samplingings of our data to see how well our model is generalizing to unseen data. To read more about Cross Validation, check out this guide. Based on the results, each model seems to have about 70-percent prediction accuracy.

In [18]:
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, ShuffleSplit

sv = SVC()
lr = LogisticRegression()
rfc = RandomForestClassifier()

cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=10, test_size=0.3, random_state=0)
svc_score = cross_val_score(sv, xs, y, cv=cv)
cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=10, test_size=0.3, random_state=0)
lr_score = cross_val_score(lr, xs, y, cv=cv)
cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=10, test_size=0.3, random_state=0)
rfc_score = cross_val_score(rfc, xs, y, cv=cv)
[0.71252882 0.69946195 0.73174481 0.69792467 0.70868563 0.71637202
 0.73328209 0.70561107 0.70176787 0.70714835]
[0.72943889 0.72790161 0.7255957  0.72252114 0.72021522 0.71329746
 0.74250576 0.70176787 0.71867794 0.71867794]
[0.71329746 0.70253651 0.73097617 0.71714066 0.68024596 0.70561107
 0.72328978 0.70023059 0.71176018 0.71099154]

We started from data collection and data cleaning. This process is the bulk of all data analysis. We need to research different data sets and find ones that we suits our need. We then continue to read the data and clean the data. We use pandas as our primary dataframe because they provide a good representation for the data. We use techniques such as merging, droping and adding columns, mapping, and others to transform our data into something that is interpretable.

We then display some graphs to get a view of how the data look like. We use matplotlib as our graphing tool and we made scatter plots to see how the different statistic interact with each other. We saw that some statistics such as field goal percentage did not have a strong correlation. We then graph different statistics with the average and win rate and try to find specific statistics that have a strong correlation with win rate. We then decided that those statistics might be usefull to build our models.

After cleaning our data and choosing specific parameters, we can finally build our predictive models. We used our box scores dataset to train our models. We used ScikitLearn and SciPy as our main library because they have a lot of different regression models that we can use. We did logistic regression, random forests, and Support Vector Classification (SVC) which are all models that we use to predict the winning team.

Overall there are so much more to explore in the data science world. This tutorial is just a sneak peek into data science in the sports world. Today, we have countless of data for everything and you can definately use the skills in this tutorial for other aspects. If you are interested in learning more about data science in basketball, the page displays a lot of interesting data science articles on basketball. Thank you so much for reading our tutorial and we hope that this tutorial may spark the inner data scientist in you.